Mobile-based data collection: in real time, over time


Develop custom surveys including a broad array of question types, notification schedules, and phone sensor configurations.


Deploy surveys to participant lists, tracking user progress and compliance in real time.


Visualize responses to survey questions, view data across geographical time and space, and download results for further analysis.

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TigerAware is a cross-platform system for collecting information from participants in real life over time. Though the system is inspired by applications in Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), it can be used in research studies spanning many domains. This includes the social and medical sciences (including psychological studies on emotion, behavior, and substance use), campus climate tracking, and pharmaceutical trials.

Study Management Dashboard

Manage creating, deploying, and tracking surveys in real-time with your privately-provisioned database for storing user responses. Allow your participants to confidentially message administrators and view their progress in the study.

iOS & Android Support

Effortlessly deploy your surveys on iOS and Android platforms.

Device Integration

Incorporate internal device sensors such as GPS, speed, accelerometer, and ambient light, as well as external devices integrated via Bluetooth.


Leverage our experienced team throughout the build, deploy and analyze steps of your study life cycle.


TigerAware provides a sophisticated mobile data collection toolkit, including a broad array of question types, advanced notification configurations, compliance monitoring, and internal/external device integration.

Question Types (See Preview) Notification Scheduling Compliance Monitoring External & Internal Device Integration
  • Yes/No
  • Multiple Choice
  • Scale (Continuous & Discrete)
  • Date & Time
  • Time Interval
  • Numeric
  • Location Selection
  • Free Response

  • Dynamic Ordering
  • Randomized question presentation
  • Branch based on user responses
  • Random notifications: Notifications scheduled within a configured time interval
  • Scheduled notifications: Notifications occurring at a constant time each day
  • Reminder notifications: Activated when a user doesn't provide a response to a scheduled or random notification
  • Follow-ups: Schedule or un-schedule additional surveys based on user responses
  • Offline notification scheduling
  • Track whether users provide responses in a timely manner by enabling custom compliance windows
  • Suspend: participant configurable options to temporarily disable notifications
  • Only allow users to take surveys in a specific time interval
  • Only allow users to provide a fixed number of responses each day
  • Hide surveys outside of notification windows
  • View detailed participant compliance information (surveys initiated, full notification schedule, and notification reminders)
  • Phone GPS sensor
  • Phone speed sensor
  • Integration with other ResearchKit Active Tasks upon request
  • Integration with other external devices upon request

  • Active Tasks
  • BACTrack Alcohol Sensor
  • ResearchKit Gait and Balance Active Task
  • ResearchKit Paced Serial Addition Test (PSAT) Active Task
  • ResearchKit Stroop Active Task

Will Morrison

From developing avionics software at Boeing, working with mobile AI development at Google, and collaborating with Apple’s UX design team, Will has a considerable breadth of software development experience.


Dr. Tim Trull

Dr. Trull has 15 years of experience designing and conducting ecological momentary/ambulatory assessment studies, supported by multiple NIH grants and reported in numerous peer-reviewed publications.


Dr. Yi Shang

Dr. Shang is a Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the EECS Department of MU, with extensive experiences in AI and machine learning, wireless sensor networks, distributed and mobile computing, and bioinformatics.


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